A guide to Co. Clare’s historical school registers, roll books and other school records

Historical school records from Co. Clare.
Find your ancestors in historical school records from Co. Clare (pic: © IHN).

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Our genealogy guide offers advice on accessing historical school records, including registers and roll books, from schools across Co. Clare.

If you’re interested in learning what genealogical data Irish school records contain and how you can use this information to trace your family history, be sure to check out our general guide to Ireland’s historical school records for all our expert tips and advice.

>>> RELATED: Find your ancestors in Ireland’s historical school records

Where can I find historical school records from Co. Clare?

Finding historical school records from Co. Clare can prove a challenge due to the loss and destruction of some of the records over time. In addition, no single institution holds all of the county’s surviving historical school records; they are scattered across various locations. Most of the original records have been maintained locally, while others have been deposited in archives and libraries.


In terms of online access, no website features all of the county’s digitized school records, and there is considerable overlap between the records on FamilySearch, Ancestry and FindMyPast; of these three, Ancestry boasts the largest number of school records for Co. Clare.

Below, we provide further information about where to access the county’s school records, including websites offering free or paid online access to digitized records and “on-site” (paper and microfilm) collections in libraries and archives.

– Clare County Library and Clare County Archives (online and on-site, free)

Clare County Library has transcribed key details from the registers and roll books deriving from approximately 30 primary and secondary schools in the county:

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You can find lists of the school records transcribed by Clare County Library on their genealogy and family history page and their educational records page. Each page provides links to the digitized record collections relating to the individual schools. Since the lists on these two pages vary slightly, it’s advisable to check both.

Clare County Archives holds some of the original school records from which these transcriptions derive, along with other original school records that have not yet been transcribed or digitized. The archives’ collection includes records from over a dozen national schools in Co. Clare:

  • Ballycar National School
  • Ballynacally National School
  • Corbally National School, Kilkee
  • Cross National School
  • Derrynaveagh National School (also known as Oatfield National School)
  • Dysart National School
  • Island View National School, Lack, Kilchreest
  • Kilfenora National School
  • Lacken National School
  • Leitrim National School
  • Maghera National School
  • Miltown Malbay National School (St Joseph’s)
  • Querrin National School
  • Ruan National School


You can find a list of the county’s schools whose records are held by Clare County Archives here. This list may not be up to date, as the archives may have procured more school records since it was compiled. School records can be requested from Clare County Archives by letter, telephone or email and will be made available to view at Clare County Library’s Local Studies Centre on Harmony Row in Ennis. Researchers must complete a research application form in order to access archival material.

In addition, Clare County Library provides general information on the history of education in Co. Clare on their website, including further information (and occasionally transcribed records and photos) for the following schools:

Many photographs of pupils and schools are available to view in the library’s online photo collection.

Pupils of Kilkishen National School, Co. Clare, c.1945.
Pupils of Kilkishen National School, c.1945 (© Clare County Library).

– FamilySearch (online, free)

FamilySearch.org provides free access to search and view school registers from the following 12 national schools in Co. Clare:

FamilySearch offers high-quality digitized microfilm images of the original documents, with key details transcribed and indexed. You can search the index of national school registers by name, place, year and other criteria.

For a complete list of all the schools and registers featured in this record set, visit their website here, where you can browse the individual register books, page by page, with just a few simple clicks.

– Ancestry (online, €)

On the subscription website Ancestry, you can search and view national school registers from the following 12 national schools in Co. Clare:


Ancestry offers high-quality digitized microfilm images of the original documents, with key details transcribed and indexed. On their website, you can search the index of national school registers by name, birth, residence, admission date and other criteria. The option to browse the individual register books, page by page, is especially handy.

Other schools in the county appear in a different record set on Ancestry and must be searched separately. Within this particular record set, you can view and search school roll books, examination rolls, registers and observation books from four Catholic schools in Crusheen parish in Co. Clare. It features the following records ranging in date from 1856 to 1919:

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You can search the school records from Crusheen parish here. Again, you can view both the image of the original record and key transcribed details or browse the various record books page by page.

– FindMyPast (online, €)

On the subscription website FindMyPast.ie, you can search and view 16 national school registers from 12 national schools in Co. Clare:

  • Ballycorney National School, Killaloe, 1872–1925
  • Ballycorney National School (boys), Killaloe, 1872–1925
  • Belvoir National School (girls), Clonlea, 1907–25
  • Belvoir National School (boys), Clonlea, 1902–25
  • Cappabane National School (girls), Moynoe, 1907–25
  • Cappabane National School (boys), Moynoe, 1910–25
  • Effernan National School, Killadysert, 1907–25
  • Effernan National School, Killadysert, 1907–25
  • Gortglass National School (Gorthglass), Killadysert, 1898–1925
  • Harmony Row National School, Drumcliff, 1879–1925
  • Kanturk National School (Kinturk), Kilmaley, 1870–1925
  • Kilnasoolagh National School, Kilnasoolagh, 1903–25
  • Letterkelly National School (mixed), Inagh, 1924–25
  • Moyrhee National School (mixed), Ruan, 1871–1925
  • Shanavogh National School (boys), Kilmurry, 1906–25
  • Synge National School, Inagh, 1896–1925
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FindMyPast offers high-quality digitized images of the original documents, with key details transcribed and indexed. You can search the index of national school registers by name, year, religion, school, parish, county and other criteria.

For a full list of all the schools and registers featured in this record set, visit their website here.

– Clarecastle Ballyea Heritage and Wildlife Group Archives (online, free)

Details from the boys and girls registers for Clarecastle National School for the years 1862–1962 have been transcribed and are available to view for free online on the Clarecastle Ballyea Heritage website. With the arrival of Saorstát Éireann, the registers were completed in Irish using old Irish script.


– National Library (mix of online & on-site, free)

The National Library of Ireland, located on Kildare Street in Dublin 2, holds various materials on Clare schools, including books on the history of individual schools, school reports, records, and photographs of schools and students. You can find them by searching the library catalogue. While the majority have not been digitized, they are available for viewing in the library (some by request only).

– National Archives (on-site)

Some school records from Co. Clare have ended up in the National Archives of Ireland, located on Bishop Street in Dublin 8. Most of the digitized school records accessible on FamilySearch, FindMyPast and Ancestry come from the National Archives collections. When searching for school records that are less than 100 years old on these websites, the results usually include only partial information, and you may not be able to view the original record images. In such cases, make a note of the register or roll number and submit a request to access the original record at the National Archives. Find out how to prepare for your visit here.

– Local collections (mix of online & on-site)

Most original paper school records have been preserved within the local community in Co. Clare, often in the schools themselves. You can contact a school or board of management directly to verify if they have the old records. Even if a school has closed down, another nearby school or a newly established one may have taken custody of these records.

National school roll book.
National school roll book (© IHN).

If you’re still having trouble tracking down the school records, contact Clare County Archives or local historical societies for assistance. You may also wish to consider reaching out to the Clare Heritage and Genealogy Centre in Corofin, which offers professional genealogical research services. You can contact them by phone on +353 (0) 65 6837955 or email clareheritage@gmail.com.

There may also be locally run websites that display digitized or transcribed school records and photographs of schools and students. To locate them, you will need to conduct extensive online searches using various keywords related to the specific schools or regions of interest. This process may involve exploring websites operated by local historical societies and community groups, as well as social media platforms where such records and images are shared. Patience and persistence will be key to uncovering them.


Related collections

– Poor Law Union records (mix of online & on-site)

If your ancestor spent time in a workhouse as a child, they probably attended a workhouse school and may appear in poor law union records. Clare was initially divided into four poor law unions: Ennis, Kilrush, Ennistymon and Scarriff; in 1850, four additional unions were established: Ballyvaughan, Corofin, Kildysart and Tulla. Surviving records exist for Corofin, Ennis, Ennistymon, Kilrush and Scarriff and are held in Clare County Archives. Unfortunately, records relating to the other unions were destroyed.

The Corofin Union Board of Guardians’ Minute Books (1850–1924) and the only surviving Scariff Union Board of Guardians Minute Book (1921–22) can be downloaded for free from the Digital Repository of Ireland.

Clare County Library’s website provides key details transcribed from the Ennistymon Union Board of Guardians’ Minute Books (1839–50) and the Kilrush Union Board of Guardians’ Minute Books (1849).

The Board of Guardian minute books for the four Co. Clare Unions of Corofin (1850–1922), Ennis (1849–77 with many gaps and 1883–1922), Ennistymon (1839–1924) and Kilrush (1848–1923) are available on the subscription website Find My Past.

>>> RELATED: Did your ancestor spend time in a workhouse?

– Schools’ Folklore Collection (online, free)

If your ancestor attended school in the late 1930s, they might feature in the Schools’ Folklore Collection. Between 1937 and 1939, over 50,000 pupils from 5,000 primary schools across the 26 counties of the Irish Free State compiled approximately 740,000 pages of folklore written in their own handwriting. Each story collected notes the student’s name, address, school and teacher, as well as those of the informants (often the pupils’ parents or grandparents), providing rich genealogical data.

The digitized collection on duchas.ie features over 150 Clare schools and most of the material has been transcribed. You can peruse this collection by school here.

Things to remember

  • Most surviving school records date to the latter half of the 1800s and later, though some are earlier.
  • School records containing personal or sensitive information less than 100 years old are typically subject to access restrictions, while more routine administrative material is generally restricted for only 40 years.
  • When searching the school records on FamilySearch, FindMyPast or Ancestry, always consult the images when reviewing the results of your searches as they contain more information than the transcripts. Also, transcripts can include errors.
  • For more tips, see our general guide to Irish school records here.
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If you know of other school record collections from Co. Clare, please let us know in the comments below.

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